The Past

In the year 1919, Gilbert A Tucker was given his first heifer with the TA brand. In 1958, he struck out on his own with 24 Purebred Brahmans pairs and one good bull. This was the nucleus of a, now generational, Purebred Brahman and Commercial Cattle operation. His philosophy was always centered around producing quality, fertile, growthy cattle which preform well on grass. Together with his wife Ruth, Gilbert and his son Andy developed one of the most recognized herds of Brahman cattle in the United States.
The Present

While the name has changed from G A. Tucker & Sons to TA Brahmans, our philosophy has not. TA cattle are known for their femininity, fertility, low birth weights and tenderness. The TA brand has performed as well in the show ring as it has on the rail and while the focus has leaned towards commercial over the past decade, the TA brand is BACK, slightly modified! Check out our Brahman and Commercial Cattle pages to view some of our herd sires, mother cows and commercial cattle.
The Future

Our commitment to excellence continues. Our goal is to maintain and grow a strong, competitive, high quality herd of Brahman cattle while increasing the number of F1 females in our commercial operation. All of these females will be gentle, fertile and easy fleshing while performing on grass. We are proud to have our first offering of Registered Brahman Breeding Age Bulls, Haltered Bull Calves and Show Heifer Prospects for sale at this time. Please check out of "Sale Cattle" page for details. For more information, we can be reached at any time by calling 321.288.3462 or by email [email protected].
55 years ago, when Gilbert Sr. set out to breed Brahman Cattle, he had the commercial cattleman in mind. We honor his commitment and strive to produce cattle who not only work in the pasture, but who will also be selected in the show ring should someone decide to go that route. We feel the breeding program below produces the kind who will work ANYWHERE, for ANYONE and be economical while doing it!